Jordan Budd


The brands and gear that I use and trust.

Sig Sauer | Optics, Rangefinders and Rifles

Sig Sauer offers a huge array of binoculars, scopes, rangefinders, rifles, pistols, suppressors and everything in between. These are a few of my favorite things I use every time I’m in the field. 
  • Cross rifle
  • Zulu10 10×42 Binocular
  • Zulu6 Pro Image Stabilizing Binocular
  • Oscar 8 Spotting Scope
  • Kilo8k Rangefinder

First Lite | Technical Clothing

First Lite allows me to stay in the field longer and more comfortably with their full line of clothing from the mountain top to the duck blind. Here are a few of my favorite pieces. 
  • 308 Pants
  • Wick Hoody
  • Uncompahgre Foundry Jacket

OnX Hunt | Mapping App

OnX Hunt has been the leading mapping app forever and it’s what I rely on to navigate the areas that I hunt. I can organize all of my waypoints and even air drop them to my clients. OnX is reliable and simply the only app you need. 

Tactacam Reveal | Cellular Trail Cameras

Reveal makes running a couple dozen cameras simple by sending photos straight from the camera to my phone via cell signal. If I don’t have service, they work like a regular camera capturing photos to a card. They’ve been reliable and simple to setup, taking clear images and awesome video. 

Ollin | Digiscoping Gear

On my own hunts or while guiding a client I often film through my spotting scope with my phone with an adapter called the Ollin. It’s a magnetic phone case that snaps to an adapter on the scope, allowing the best video footage possible. 

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