Jordan Budd

Gear Consult


Gear Consult includes:

  • (1) video call – to discuss the gear you have and any gear questions you have.
    • Food selection and packing.
    • Specific gear selections for the trip.
    • How- to pack “correctly”.
  • Messaging access for additional questions through your hunt.


Through over ten years of western hunting and ten more of whitetail hunting in Nebraska, I love the gear we hunt with.

If you have a hunt coming up and you are shaky on the gear, I’d love to show you how I do it and discuss and questions you have.

Gear Consult includes:

  • (1) video call – to discuss the gear you have and any gear questions you have.
    • Food selection and packing.
    • Specific gear selections for the trip.
    • How- to pack “correctly”.
  • Messaging access for additional questions through your hunt.


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